
We explore physics behind hot, energetic phenomena in the universe through a wide variety of telescopes including space-based X-ray observatories. Our research particularly focuses on high energy physical processes associated with supernova remnants, neutron stars, and black holes. We also develop new observational instruments for future satellite missions.



The paper by Dr. Dai Tateishi has been accepted for PASJ.

The paper titled “Study of the Origin of the Azimuthal Variation of Synchrotron X-ray Spectrum from SNR RX J0852.0-4622,” authored by Dr. Dai Tateishi from the Bamba lab, has been accepted for PASJ. In this study, the authors compared the spatial distribution of the X-ray spectrum of SNR RX J0852.0-4622 with the distribution of molecular cloud density and shock velocity. The results indicate a positive correlation between molecular cloud density and X-ray flux throughout the SNR. Additionally, a positive correlation was found between X-ray flux and shock velocity in the southern region of the SNR. Based on these findings, the …

Two Bamba Lab. students received the Best Poster Award at the International Research Meeting.

Two Bamba Lab students, Toshiya Iwata (D2) and Riki Sato (M1), received the Best Poster Award at the international workshop “XRISM Science Workshop for Young Researchers 2024” held at Tokyo Metropolitan University. Congratulations! Best Poster AwardToshiya Iwata  ”Probing relativistic effects in black hole accretion with high-resolution spectroscopy and polarimetry”Poster AwardRiki Sato  ”Revealing the structure of AGN outflows through a time-variability study”

The paper by Mr. Iwata has been accepted.

The paper, entitled “Multi-epoch X-ray spectral analysis of Centaurus A: revealing new constraints on iron emission line origins,” by Mr. Iwata was accepted for publication in PASJ. In this paper, we performed X-ray echo mapping and spectral analysis to elucidate the central structure of the radio galaxy Centaurus A. For more information, please click here.