
We explore physics behind hot, energetic phenomena in the universe through a wide variety of telescopes including space-based X-ray observatories. Our research particularly focuses on high energy physical processes associated with supernova remnants, neutron stars, and black holes. We also develop new observational instruments for future satellite missions.



The paper by Mr. Iwata has been accepted.

The paper, entitled “Multi-epoch X-ray spectral analysis of Centaurus A: revealing new constraints on iron emission line origins,” by Mr. Iwata was accepted for publication in PASJ. In this paper, we performed X-ray echo mapping and spectral analysis to elucidate the central structure of the radio galaxy Centaurus A. For more information, please click here.

The paper by Mr. Iwata has been accepted.

“Development of the X-ray polarimeter using CMOS imager: polarization sensitivity of a 1.5 μm pixel CMOS sensor” was accepted for publication in NIM-A. Bamba Lab has been working on the project “cipher”, which aims to observe polarized X-rays with a tiny pixel CMOS sensor. In this paper, we evaluate the X-ray polarization measurement performance of a CMOS sensor with a pixel size of 1.5 μm and show that the polarization measurement performance improves with decreasing pixel size. For more information, please click here.

The paper by Mr. Ichihashi has been accepted.

*Measurement of Temperature Relaxation in the Postshock Plasma of the Northwestern Limb of SN 1006″, authored by Mr. Ichihashi (D2, Bamba Lab.), has been accepted for publication in PASJ. In this paper, the northwestern region of the supernova remnant SN 1006 was analyzed using the X-ray observation satellite Chandra, which has excellent spatial resolution. As a result, a significant change in electron temperature in a very small region near the shock wave was observed for the first time. We also showed that this temperature change is smaller than that predicted from the thermal relaxation with ions. For more information, please …

The paper by Mr. Matsuhashi has been accepted.

“Evaluation of the X-ray SOI pixel detector with the on-chip ADC”, authored by Mr. Matsuhashi (M2, Bamba Lab.), has been accepted for publication in NIMA. In this paper, we evaluated the performance of XRPIX, an X-ray detector for space X-ray observation, with a built-in high-speed AD converter that converts analog signals to digital signals in about 6 μs. As a result, it was proved that the AD converter works properly and that the detector can be digitized as required when mounted on an astronomical satellite and that it performs well enough to observe astronomical objects. For more information, please click …