
The paper by Mr. Iwata has been accepted.

The paper, entitled “Multi-epoch X-ray spectral analysis of Centaurus A: revealing new constraints on iron emission line origins,” by Mr. Iwata was accepted for publication in PASJ. In this paper, …

The paper by Mr. Iwata has been accepted.

“Development of the X-ray polarimeter using CMOS imager: polarization sensitivity of a 1.5 μm pixel CMOS sensor” was accepted for publication in NIM-A. Bamba Lab has been working on the …

The paper by Mr. Ichihashi has been accepted.

*Measurement of Temperature Relaxation in the Postshock Plasma of the Northwestern Limb of SN 1006″, authored by Mr. Ichihashi (D2, Bamba Lab.), has been accepted for publication in PASJ. In …

The paper by Mr. Minami has been accepted.

“2-mm-Thick Large-Area CdTe Double-sided Strip Detectors for High-Resolution Spectroscopic Imaging of X-ray and Gamma-ray with Depth-Of-Interaction Sensing”, for which Takahiro Minami of our group was the first author, has been …